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  • Writer's pictureRegal

Past Lives

Some relationships linger long after you are no longer near that person. That is the case with Nora and Hae Sung, childhood friends who lose touch but whose lives reconnect repeatedly over two decades. As children, they were best friends and had feelings for each other they could not comprehend. As young adults, they reconnect through social networking and connect on a mature level, but the timing could be better. As adults, they reconnect in person and learn that some things are just not meant to be, despite the connection they feel for each other and the history they share.

A beautiful film of love and loss and the different kinds of love that one can experience. This film compares how immigration can affect the culture of an individual. In this film, Nora is a Korean American, and Hae Sung is Korean, and their views on all things are different, and how those views change over time. The film also demonstrates how aging changes how individuals perceive love and companionship. The film is relatable to anyone who has had a childhood crush or love, experienced long-distance love, or has loved and lost. As is with many artistic and potentially award-winning films, this one has a slow pace and is dialogue driven. Still, in the end, it is worth the watch.

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